Marlon “Swoosh” Wallen, Founder and Creative Director of Flawless dance group, said, “Following our 20th anniversary celebrations, it’s great to be able to choreograph and perform at the Aldershot Christmas Cracker and Southampton Countdown to Christmas. Our routine has been inspired by toob’s smooth and reliable broadband service to show everyone how it feels when you ditch that glitch. It’s been great collaborating with toob on this creative execution to illustrate its smooth broadband service and the crowds in Aldershot and Southampton were fantastic.”
Nick Parbutt, CEO, toob, said, “toob is delighted to partner with Flawless to really demonstrate the importance of having access to flawless full-fibre. We hope that everyone at the Aldershot Christmas Cracker and Southampton Countdown to Christmas had a lot of fun. We’re keen to support the local communities and it’s been fantastic collaborating with Flawless, to provide a creative performance for everyone at the event to enjoy.”