11th July 2022
Having the world at our fingertips has allowed data to be shared at a speed like never before! Emails, video calls and direct messaging enables for almost instantaneous communication, anywhere in the world, enabling home (or hybrid) working to become easier and more accessible.
toob customers and couple Pedro & Natalia, are hardworking home-workers who love to kick back by inviting friends over, lighting up the BBQ and tucking into delicious home-cooked grub.
We took some time to catch up with the pair, now they were connected, and discover how full-fibre broadband has turned around their turnaround, saving them time and their clients’ money!
Jump ship on your old connection and get set with feel good full-fibre. Join Pedro, Natalia and thousands of other happy toob customers on our full-fibre network and get symmetrical 900 Mbps download & upload speeds, for only £25 per month!